
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

King EAST Conference Encore

You are cordially invited to attend the King EAST Conference Encore located in the M. L. King Elementary Multi-purpose Room on Thursday, March 29 and Friday, March 30. Classes may free flow to look at the exhibit any time but live prsentations and demonstrations will be as follows:
March 29
March 30
Look forward to hearing about some of our EAST projects and seeing the NXT Robot, Augmented Reality (3D), and Garageband (Music).

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

If I had a million dollars to make a change, I would . . .

Remember your writing prompt from the beginning of the school year. Post your final drafts here. This means use what you have already typed or retype your prompt response in Microsoft Word. You will then copy and past your final draft as a comment on the blog (see below for details of a final draft). You will not be able to post Word Art and Pictures. Remember at the end of your submission to write your name (first only), teacher's name, and your reviewers name(s) then submit as an anonymous user .

What is a final draft?
A final draft should be a response that you have spent a little time on and had reviewed by others (at least 2 students/1 adult).

The Review
As a reviewer, a few things you should let the writer know:

(1) what you really liked
(2) what you were confused about
(3) what you want to know more about

The writer can use these types of comments to develop their piece (example: their prompt response).

Thursday, March 8, 2012

KWPSL, Mars and Other Topic Examples

Practice using the KWPSL strategy in your research about Mars. Remember:

K - What you know already

W-What you want to know

P-Purpose for study (why are you studying mars)

S-Source/Search (where did you find information about mars: book, magazine, website (list the full address not I searched google)

L-Tell what you learned after reading your source(s) about Mars

Earn your reward initials/time by posting two different comments with K,W,P,S, and/or L.

Remember to list only your first name and your teacher's name.