
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Staff Vision AND Mission Resources

Here are some resources that can assist in your development of a Mission and Vision Statement(s):

School, Education   (Where are we?)

Mission Statement

Vision Statement

Transforming Schools Power Point (Traditional + vs Professional Learning Community)

With the help of a graphic organizer, complete the assignments below.

Mission Statement Assignment
*For the mission statement think about what the school is already doing and pick three target areas that the school should emphasize
*Utilizing these areas (keywords) add power words to create three phrases
*Combine/edit these phrases into an all encompassing statement

Vision Statement Assignment
*For the vision statement think about what the school is hoping to do and pick three target areas that the school should emphasize
*Utilizing these areas (keywords) add power words to create three phrases (
*Combine/edit these phrases into an all encompassing statement

*The final mission and vision can be 1 statement or 2 separate statements.
*Consider that the statement(s) should not be hard to understand and should be easy to remember.

How to post your response:
*Brainstorm with the chart paper provide but also select a designee to type your group responses (recommend typing in word).
* Locate the blog post comment box
*Type and/or copy/paste the assignment into the comment box (submit mission assignment and vision assignment seperately
*Under comment as, select anonymous
*Click Publish
Note: The site may ask you to confirm you are not a robot by requesting you type a series of characters.


  1. Thacker Group
    Mission and Vision Statement

    Generated Ideas:
    Vision and Mission encompasses all subject areas:
    ~ service- mission
    ~ academics- mission
    ~ Creativity- vision
    ~ Socialization
    ~ Whole Child (nurturing environment- vision
    ~ Integrated curriculum (previous school mission)
    ~ High Intensity Learning (previous school mission)
    ~ Opportunity
    ~ Inspire a passion for learning
    ~ passionate learners
    ~ use simple words that can be understood across all grace levels
    ~ First and Best Choice (vision)

    1. Good ideas but too long. Needs to be short where children can understand and parents are proud of. Teachers can focus on one central main idea

  2. Group 1. Fabulous (it is my group)

    1. Empowering today's students to become tomorrow's leaders through academies, service, and fitness.

  3. Vision: Empowering the mind, body, and soul of our school and community.

    Bumper sticker: mlk: Inspiring the mind, body, and soul

    Mission: Creating lifelong learners
    Soul: Inspiring to serve others; impacting the world around.

    1. Great mission statement! Easy for children to understand. I would love for this to be our mission statement

    2. Mission thought:
      Body, Mind: An Opportunity to learn, grow, and serve well.

      With Soul: An opportunity to learn, grow, and serve well. DW

    3. An opportunity to learn, grow, live and serve well.

  4. Group one- 3. I like the power word empowering

    Group two- 5. I love the short and sweet statement. It covers everything but is short enough to remember. The students and parents can get behind this statement.

    Group three- 1 no statement yet

  5. Ideas - Generated
    City Year
    Second Baptist
    *Umbrella words that encompasses all subjects
    *Creativity and socialization
    *whole child/nuture

    *Integrated learning
    High Intensity
    *Give students lots of opportunities to be successful
    *We want to inspire a passion for learning
    *We want to inspire a passion for learning
    we want our learners to become productive students

    *Passionate learners (leaders/teachers)
    *Use simple words (first/best)


    *Students have opportunity


  6. Can this be grouped together into just one statement?

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
