
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Assignment 1: What is EAST?

EAST® (Environmental and Spatial Technology) is an educational model focusing on student-driven service projects accomplished by using teamwork and cutting-edge technology. EAST classrooms are equipped with state-of-the-art workstations, servers, software and accessories, including GPS/GIS mapping tools, architectural and CAD design software, 3D animation suites, virtual reality development and more. Students identify problems in their local communities and then use these tools to develop solutions, collaborating with civic and other groups in the process. (Taken from the EAST Website:

Assignment 1
Post a comment that tells what you know so far about EAST (list your first name only and teacher at the end of the post). Click here to see how to post a comment (coming soon).


  1. I learned that students use cool software in EAST.
    Ms. Douglas

  2. I learned in east is that technology is a great thing. It can change lives and do lots of great things. Technology is a way of life with computers and lots of others.
