
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

King Training Maps (Submission 2014) Description

Here are some details about this map:


1-I wanted to do a project about smoking because my grandfather smokes and I worry about his health.  I decided to map the smoking rates of each state and see which state smokes the least and most.


2-The map can benefit EAST students making posters about smoking and a visual to any observer as to what is going on with smoking in each state.


3-I started this project to teach others (students and clients/partners) how to map but decided that it could be used for other student projects not just for training along with our George Hines, MLK, and Arkansas Cemeteries Maps.


4-One of the problems I had was creating the map into a Story Map.  We are still trying to figure out the steps to creating a webserver but haven’t figured it out yet. We completed a story map using just > Creating a Web Application but could not put all the training maps together as we had planned.


5-So far team members have:

*completed marking points for each state and smoking rate and next steps;  continuing to mark points of interest for the George Hines Family Tree Map, MLK Map, and we are expecting to begin the Arkansas Cemeteries map next.

6- Next steps for this project:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             *locating photographs/documents to help emphasize the story to be told by the maps (example:  smoking issues faced by states)                                                                                              *trying to complete a similar map in ArcGIS Desktop                                                                   *compiling the smoking map with all training maps into one Story Map  (Smoking Map, George H. Hines, MLK, Life and Times, and Arkansas Cemeteries).

7-Skills learned in doing the project:                                                                                    *accessing and login into an online mapping program (                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         *search and find location                                                                                                                              *mark points adding description                                                                                                                                                *view and scale location                                                                                                                          *saving a map



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