
Monday, December 30, 2013

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Computer Lab Lesson Week of December 9

The standard is Use It.

The word/skill is Typing.

Review the word/skill and related words here:

After reviewing the list play one game related to the words:

Practice typing the home row keys at:

Once you have completed these steps you may continue practicing words/skills at:



a website as directed by your teacher (example:

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Copyright and Plagarism

Locate websites to help students understand copyright and plagiarism and post them here.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Text Features

Fourth grade is studying text features.  During your study of text features, if you find great websites to help students learn more and/or practice text features, post them as a comment here (anonymous profile > post comment with your first name and teacher).

Interview Questions cont.

1.       What is your name (first and last)?


2.       What is your favorite subject and why?


3.       Who is your favorite teacher and why?


4.       What is your favorite color?


5.       . . . tv show?


6.       . . . animal?


7.       . . . book?


8.       . . . sport?


9.       List a question:


10.   List a question:

Write your final question and answers using the Create-Your-Own Cube:

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Technology Timeline

Technology Timeline (Create a Kerpoof Card)

Details Coming Soon

Printable Timeline 1752 - 1990

Interactive Timeline

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Former EAST Students Invited to National Conference

Former EAST students, Madison Edmondson and Bailey Buck, have been invited to represent PAAC Jr. at the AAGHS National Conference on October 12.  Students will highlight the work of KEYP and PAAC Jr. including the Family Tree Map: George Hines:

Conference Information

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Computer Lab Collaboration

Please use this link to brainstorm (list) technology skills/programs/websites that you believe will help classes integrate technology into the math, literacy, science, and social studies curriculums.

Please emphasize resources/ideas that allow students to have something to showcase   (often a product).

Submission procedures:

List the technology skill for assistance during computer lab time (role for Mrs. Williams or other lab helper):
List student and classroom teacher tasks to expect (what steps and monitoring):
List the website, software, etc.:
List the curriculum map objective/other:
List the culminating item/product to showcase:
List the preferred time period including expected # of computer lab sessions needed and/or classroom time that could be used:
List your teacher code (your last name initial and grade - Mrs Smith 4th grade (S-4):

Submit as an anonymous profile unless you have one of the other profile options established.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Interview Questions (iPad)

Click Below to Type Interview Questions and Responses:

1.       What is your name (first and last)?

2.       What is your favorite subject and why?

3.       Who is your favorite teacher and why?

4.       What is your favorite color?

5.       What is your favorite tv show?

6.       What is your favorite animal?

7.       What is your favorite book?

8.       What is your favorite sport?

9.       List a question:

10.   List a question:

Use the Create- Your-Own Cube Creator to complete your interview assignment:

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Assignment 3: What is an Adult Partner

All students 3rd-5th will have an opportunity to participate in an EAST Orientation (example: the EAST Packet).  Students will need to partner with a caring adult (parent, mentor, school employee, and/or other) to assist with submitting an EAST Application which will provide an opportunity to participate in EAST Project not just orientation.

Assignment 2: What is an EAST Project

EAST is all about project-based learning and community service; EAST students use cutting-edge technology to solve problems they identify in their communities. Often the students provide services not otherwise available in the community. Approximately 200 EAST programs across Arkansas and the country serve as valuable resources for their schools and communities. Read more at

Utilize the Beginning of the Year Activity Sheet to find and list projects that you find interesting. 
You may utilize the following and other sources:

EAST Website Project Finder: printed notebooks
EAST @ King Brag Books (ask the facilitator)
EAST Bulletin Boards (once posted)

If you have an idea for a project, post a comment below utilizing the guidelines in Assignment 1.  Also, see the CART handout.  List the topic of the project and how the project could fill up the CART (Critical Thinking, Advance, Real, and Teamwork).

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Assignment 1: What is EAST?

EAST® (Environmental and Spatial Technology) is an educational model focusing on student-driven service projects accomplished by using teamwork and cutting-edge technology. EAST classrooms are equipped with state-of-the-art workstations, servers, software and accessories, including GPS/GIS mapping tools, architectural and CAD design software, 3D animation suites, virtual reality development and more. Students identify problems in their local communities and then use these tools to develop solutions, collaborating with civic and other groups in the process. (Taken from the EAST Website:

Assignment 1
Post a comment that tells what you know so far about EAST (list your first name only and teacher at the end of the post). Click here to see how to post a comment (coming soon).

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Computer Lab Spotlight January - May and Special Awards

Computer Lab January - May Spotlight and Special Awards

Special Awards for 2012-13

NETS Achievement Award recognizes classes that continuously work to show or seek to show implementation of the student and teacher ISTE National Education Technology Standards.

2012-13 NETS Achievement Award - Ms. Durham's K and Ms. Thacker's 1st Grade

The Research Adventure Award recognizes the class or classes that have made great efforts to utilize their computer lab time for research on class topics.

2012-13 Research Adventure Award - Ms. Williamson's 2nd Grade and 4th Grade (Ms. Allen, Ms. Fletcher, Ms. Freeman, and Ms. Spradlin)

The Friends of the Lab Award recognizes the class or classes that have continuously had the Best Behavior and Computer Lab Procedures (voice level, tidiness, shutting down computers (as applicable), etc.) to help ensure a productive environment for all lab participants.

Friends of the Lab Award - Ms. Mitchell's K, Mrs. Williamson's 2nd Grade, and Ms. Byrd

January - May Superior Status Spotlight 


Durham - Math Talk is an activity included with computer time; students are asked to login by themselves 

1st Grade 

Thacker - The class ambassadors help students that are having trouble logging in and getting to websites; differentiation and self-selection continuously utilized 

Sutton - helpers assist students needing assistance Fleming- students asked to login 

2nd Grade

Williamson – utilized a plan B when their  1st computer activity did not go as planned

3rd Grade

Cagle – high productivity on self-directed activity (Careers Research for Counselor)

4th Grade

Allen – participating in collaborative 4th Grade research

Fletcher  – participating in collaborative 4th Grade research

Spradlin – participating in collaborative 4th Grade research

Vanpatter/Freeman  – participating in collaborative 4th Grade research

5th Grade
Thomas - graduation committee members attended most often and stayed committed to completing Graduation Slide Show 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Mapping in the Classroom May 2013

What Is ArcGIS and Google Earth?

Esri's ArcGIS is a geographic information system (GIS) for working with maps and geographic information. It is used for: creating and using maps . . . (-Wikipedia)

Google Earth is a virtual globe, map and geographical information program . . . It maps the Earth by the superimposition of images obtained from satellite imagery . . . (-Wikipedia)

Mapping  Steps ( Example)

____ Go to > login: keypworkshop > password: kingeast

____ Mark a point (add descriptions (example: name, date, location, details)

____ Type your location in the search bar (example: Little Rock, Arkansas or 905 Dr. M. L. King Jr. Dr., Little Rock, AR)

____ Add a basemap (add layers)

____ Create an edible layer to draw features on the map (display descriptive text, images, and charts for map features)

____ Save and share your map

____ Visit for website links, additional tutorials and ideas about mapping.

What to map:

___Your house                       
 ___Historical Location                      
___A State Capitol

___Your school                      
 ___Other _____________                

Additional Resources:

(Check Back Soon)

Google Sketchup in the Classroom May 2013


What Is Google Sketchup?

SketchUp (also known as Trimble SketchUp) is a 3D modeling program for a broad range of applications such as architectural, civil, mechanical,  . . . (-Wikipedia)

Google SketchUp Steps

1.       ____ Locate or Download Google Sketchup (free version not Pro) at

2.       ____ Once downloaded >Choose a template (if asked) and click start using Google Sketchup

Things to do in Sketchup:

1.       ____See the quick reference card and locate and try the Sketchup tools:  and/or use the self-paced tutorial: .

2.       ____ Locate 3D Models

a.       Click File

b.      Click 3D Warehouse

c.       Click Get Models

d.      Type keywords into the search bar (example: names of geometric shapes, animals, habitats, famous people/buildings/characters, or common names: doctor, house, etc.)

e.      Select the model and click download

f.        Use the SketchUp tools to position, size, and/or make other changes to the model.

g.       Select and download other models (as time allows)

3.       ____ Search the 3D Warehouse for the self-paced tutorials on how to draw your own 3D model ___ (example: a flower, a house, a car, etc.) in Google SketchUp.

4.      ____ Visit for website links, additional tutorials and ideas about Sketchup.
Additional Resources:
 Check Back Soon

Monday, May 6, 2013

The 4th Grade Research Paper Adventure (or Your Grade)

I've had the pleasure of seeing quite a few classes attempt research and reporting recently.  We attempt research quite often in EAST, but we complete tasks in very small steps, over quite a few class periods, and in small rotating groups.  The steps include: 

(1) selecting and recording a website/page on your topic (hopefully with some recommendations/suggestions from me).

(2) reading at least one paragraph, selecting and recording one important or attention getting fact (I ask them should they quote or paraphrase the fact; at this point, they get to choose, and we use notecards with name on one line, topic on one line, the fact follows, and the website is listed on the back of the notecard).

(3) typing this fact into a report template.  They also select a photograph previously saved to include in the report template (later students may be asked again about quoting or paraphrasing their fact on their final draft).

A few years ago, during a Summer Institute with the Little Rock Writing Project, I remember wanting to search for a way to help students with research.  Well, I am still searching, but I did modify the KWL Strategy to KWPSL with P for telling the purpose/why for the research and S for listing the Source.  This has helped some in directing students, but we still have a long way to go. Another point that was made during the institute is that teachers don't have to always grade for everything on each writing assignment.  Of course, students write the full assignment but you can tell them that you will be grade for ____ this time and ___ the next time (examples: main idea, format, etc.)  With this in mind, I thought I would see what resources I could find that may help in research/writing efforts (student and teacher effort) and here is what I found:

Informative Edutopia Article

Ten Ideas to Get Kids Writing

Report Writing Made Easy Grades 2 - 5

Unit of Study Informational Writing

2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade

Thursday, April 11, 2013

$Million Change Web Poster

Here is a template and instructions for creating a web poster:

Click to Start

Friday, March 29, 2013

Statement Organizer and Power Words

Power Words
























Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Staff Vision AND Mission Resources

Here are some resources that can assist in your development of a Mission and Vision Statement(s):

School, Education   (Where are we?)

Mission Statement

Vision Statement

Transforming Schools Power Point (Traditional + vs Professional Learning Community)

With the help of a graphic organizer, complete the assignments below.

Mission Statement Assignment
*For the mission statement think about what the school is already doing and pick three target areas that the school should emphasize
*Utilizing these areas (keywords) add power words to create three phrases
*Combine/edit these phrases into an all encompassing statement

Vision Statement Assignment
*For the vision statement think about what the school is hoping to do and pick three target areas that the school should emphasize
*Utilizing these areas (keywords) add power words to create three phrases (
*Combine/edit these phrases into an all encompassing statement

*The final mission and vision can be 1 statement or 2 separate statements.
*Consider that the statement(s) should not be hard to understand and should be easy to remember.

How to post your response:
*Brainstorm with the chart paper provide but also select a designee to type your group responses (recommend typing in word).
* Locate the blog post comment box
*Type and/or copy/paste the assignment into the comment box (submit mission assignment and vision assignment seperately
*Under comment as, select anonymous
*Click Publish
Note: The site may ask you to confirm you are not a robot by requesting you type a series of characters.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Million $ Change Continued

By now, you should have had an opportunity to respond and complete some research concerning what change you would make if you had a million dollars.  This change could be in Little Rock; Arkansas; the United States;  and/or in the world (must be considered a service to the community). 

Now that you have read and made notes on your KWPSL for at least one source about your change (community service topic), you will utilize the Web Poster Assignment.  You will have to locate or create a picture that represents the problem concerning the community service/change topic.  The picture must be free to use for educational purposes.  You will then complete a paragraph that convinces the EAST Facilitator and other students that this topic should become a priority project for our school.

Pre-Poster Activities

Please review this list of things you should/should’ve completed prior to this assignment:

1.       Gave an oral or written response to the following prompt:  If I had a million dollars to make a change, I would . . . (it must be a community service).

2.       Visited > Projects & Schools > Project Finder and located projects on this topic (ask the facilitator for another website if needed).

3.       Completed at least 2-3 sentences for each area of the KWPSL for at least once source.
 4.      Use the following sheet to organize your thoughts (use at least 1 main idea and supporting details):

Other Resources

Here are some resources that may help you with your Web Poster:

Time For Kids (Persuasive Writing)
Grab the reader’s attention with a question. Summarize the different views on this topic. Then state your opinion.

Scholastic (Persuasive Writing)

  • Using the plans created in the last step, decide on a good beginning or "hook" that will grab the reader's attention. State your topic and give a little background information.
  • Make a list of specific points you want to be sure and include in your final product. These points will serve as the main ideas for each of your three paragraphs within the body of your paper. Highlight quotes and content that support the ideas you choose.
  • Decide on an effective ending . . . Ask yourself what thought you want to leave the reader with or a thought that summarizes the overall viewpoint.

  • Persuasive Words and Phrases

    Other Persuasive Writing

    Website for Finding a Picture/Photograph                                                  


    * http://_____________________________________

    *Students should only use the marked websites with the help of an adult.
    Web Poster Check-list
    ___ Completed pre-poster activities

    ___ Completed at least 1 writing exercise (list a least 1 convincing statistic; cut and paste draft to Word)

    ___ Located a copyright free picture or I read and understand fair use (always list the website source)

    ___ Use power point (1 slide, portrait) to complete the web poster.
    Example Web Poster: (you will need a picture with caption, paragraph with attention getter, and links to sources used and other websites). Template Coming Soon!
    Team Project

    After completing your web poster, you will be asked to work with a team (usually students with the same topic) to plan a brochure, video, smart board activity, podcast/psa, etc. about this community service topic/change using the theme Million $ Change Campaign (slogan:  If I had a million dollars to make a change, I would . . .).    Check for planning resources.

    Teacher Resources

    Persuasive Letter Lesson Plan

    Teaching Persuasive Writing

    Wednesday, March 6, 2013

    View MLK EAST Posters at Children's Library Opening

    MLK EAST has been invited to display EAST Conference Posters at the Children's Library Opening March 16.

    Highlighted projects include but are not limited to:

    The Ozark Water Project (Shoe Drive for Clean Water)

    The Homework Hotline Video (3rd Place District Participant)

    100th Day of School Event

    KEYP (King EAST Young Preservationist )

    Mats For the Homeless

    Green Team (Recycling)

    School 3D Model

    Lego Robot Club

    Some of the clients highlighted in these projects include the Ozark Water Project (Haiti Trip, January 2013) , M. L. King Elementary Magnet, the Little Rock School District, and Preservation for African-American Cemeteries. Students are utilizing Adobe Photoshop, ArcGIS, Augmented Reality, iMovie, Final Cut Pro, Microsoft Office and other resources to support the clients with flyers/posters, maps, video announcements, student lead training, and more.

    EAST Projects 2012-13

    Review the 2012-13 projects for EAST in our Conference Brochure (Click image for full view).

    Recommend Websites for Projects

    If you have found great information about photographs about your Community Service Topic, post a comment here with the link and topic.

    Tuesday, March 5, 2013

    Superior Rating at the 2013 EAST Conference

    Please congratulate the EAST Conference Team and the EAST Program for the following accomplishments:
    M. L. King Elementary Magnet
    Superior EAST Rating

    Honorable Mention ESRI Application Showcase: Family Tree Map
    William Wilson
    Autumn Edmondson
    Jermani Johnson
    Make A Difference Coins (Recognition)
    Keith Bates
    Autumn Edmondson
    Jermani Johnson

    MLK 2013 EAST Conference Booth
    Watch Our Own Keith Bates at
    The EAST Conference Team

    Deidre Williams, EAST Facilitator
    Brittany Wright, Chaperone

    Taylor Hawkins*
    Bailey Buck*
    Autumn Edmondson*
    Jahkiya Woods
    William Wilson
    Keith Bates*
    Lamia Jackson
    Jermani Johnson

    Jalen Wright, Alternate

    *All students presented to visitors to our booth but the marked students presented our program to the EAST Conference Judges.  All schools are scored on a rubric in how they show evidence of implementing the EAST Standards, Booth Display, and Presentation Skills.